Tonight’s Program Golden Nugget:
What is the “secret sauce” of overcoming our fear and turning lemon into lemonade? Getting “out of our boxes” takes us to the “Terror Barrier”.

“In the box” is claustrophobic, lonely, hard to see, boring scenery, bad corrugate smell and a good chance to get thrown out with the box. Getting “out of our box” is better air, less cramped, more team play, better view, and more choices. And our minds tell us there are more ways to get in trouble, coming from that outspoken Terror Barrier. There are four phases in overcoming the Terror Barrier. These include bondage, reason, conflict and on the other side of the Terror Barrier, freedom to innovate.
In this lesson video, we start to examine how we can adjust our paradigms and behaviors to reach the results that really matter to us, while living enriched and fulfilling lives. Further, to be self-aware enough with the understanding and expectation to do this time and time again. Through changing our paradigms and behaviors, as introduced below, we enter the genius world of adjacent possibilities. Before we enter this genius world, we must overcome our Terror Barriers. I will demonstrate this by a story about innovation.
An Example:
Insight: Results equals People plus Technology plus Awareness to the Power of Sharing. This is the formula we use to create our future.
R = (P + T + A) S

What changed:
“When you drop any new idea in the pond of the world, you get a ripple effect. You have to be aware that you will be creating a cascade of change.”
― Joel A. Barker



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