For Those of Us In The Arena

You are the Man in the Arena.

You have built your business with sweat and blood.
You do not suffer fools.
You do not have time for hype and ‘woo’
You are pragmatic and data-driven
You know your business inside and out.

We understand because we have done the same and are the same.

Our Promise

We quickly double our business clients’ bottom line, while infusing them with clarity of their goals and certainty of attainment. We do this by aligning the entrepreneur’s conscious and unconscious beliefs, thoughts, and actions to execute results. Our holistic Seven Systems of Success (TM) approach leads to sustainable improvement in all aspects of the business and its leader. 

We teach our clients how to play the game of business, and win.

Our associates have the opportunity for continuous personal growth and learning, with maximum freedom and responsibility. They possess the gifts of improving the lives of others and connect with other positive and goal-oriented people.

The founders, in addition to the benefits of associates, leave a legacy of improved local economies.

When businesses improve, so do the communities in which they reside. The employees, their families, and the areas around them all are enhanced with the business and its owner.

Why Our Clients Love Us!

We are customer-centric. “The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself. “ (The Essential Drucker) “The aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous.” (The Essential Drucker)* Performance Tailwinds knows you can only be aware of what we experience. We naturally love our customers to help them improve their performance.

Execution: we work on execution from the very beginning we engage a client. Performance Tailwinds has unique chemistry to do this. Execution chemistry includes: Helping clients develop better mindsets/paradigms applied through critical skills that are acted upon. We also use accordion planning. Results equal People plus Technology plus Awareness to the Power of Sharing. This is the formula we use to help create our client’s future. R = (P + T + A) S             

We teach our clients how to fish.

‘The biggest impact Ron had was that he gave us tools and a sustainable process we could continue on our own.’  

Tricia Schildhouse

Innovation: through integrating  Managing our Inner Self technologies with why our customers love us

Performance Tailwinds is value led and purpose-driven.