As business leaders, we wonder where to find more to give to improve our business performance and quality of life. We need more simplicity, more things we can count on. We cannot continue to operate like the way we have! We look around us for better ideas. Better we take a look inside us. You can only experience what you are aware of.

Self – awareness unlocks the vast potential of improving business performance and quality of life. No more must we drift as a business. Tonight’s Program Title: – Using Your Mind to Manage our Internal Operating System to Improve Performance and Quality of Life: Building Confidence, Self-ImageYou can only experience what you are aware of Tonight’s Program Golden Nugget: What is the “secret sauce” of authentic confidence, self-image is our self-awareness that we know and that we know that we know about the use of our energy! Self-Image controls the boundaries of individual accomplishmentConfidence is a mental state we develop confidence sets up a vibration that causes others to trust in your ability, it instills in them a feeling of safety when following your lead. You possess an awareness of a powerful truth: you know that when you are in tune with the unseen power that is in every molecule of your being, you will always solve whatever problem you may be facing because the power is far greater than any condition or circumstance with which you can be confronted. Confidence is a feeling or consciousness of one’s powers confidence is about faith, not intellectSelf-confidence is what permits you to move ahead in life. Self-confidence gives a positive attitude about your ability to become competent in an area you know little about. Confidence Triangle 1: your level of confidence is going to be in direct ratio to your awareness of your oneness with SpiritConfidence Triangle 2: direct your efforts and attention to getting better at what you already do well and enjoy confidence Triangle 3: One of the most important words I know doesn’t have a simple English equivalent, which says a lot. Sawubona, a Zulu term, means, “I see you.” Not just your face, of course, but your hopes, your dreams, where you came from, and where you’re going. Create a deeper awareness in everyone you meet. The good you find in others is a reflection of the good you find in yourself. – The Rabbis Gift
Some Examples:
Situation ConfidenceResultCarry my daughter down the mountains expand what I Know that I know she was safe and I expanded the boundaries of what I can accomplishYMCA Volunteer of the YearExpand what I Know that I know expanded the boundaries of what I can accomplish DuPont IT transformation you can play with anyone expanded the boundaries of what I can accomplish DuPont transformation self – managing connection with Spirit and application into results expanded the boundaries of what I can accomplish Build a college self – managing connection with Spirit and application into results Expanded the boundaries of what I can accomplish Healthcare transformation self – managing the connection with Spirit and application into results Expanded the boundaries of what I can accomplish Executor of my Uncle’s WillSelf – managing connection with Spirit and application into results Expanded the boundaries of what I can accomplish
What changed: “When you drop any new idea in the pond of the world, you get a ripple effect. You have to be aware that you will be creating a cascade of change.”― Joel A. Barker


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