Tonight’s Pain Point: As business leaders, we wonder where to find more to give to improve our business performance and quality of life. We need more simplicity, more things we can count on. We cannot continue to operate like the way we have! We look around us for better ideas. Better we take a look inside us. You can only experience what you are aware of. Self – awareness unlocks the vast potential of improving business performance and quality of life. No more must we drift as a business. Tonight’s Program Title: – Using Your Mind to Manage our Internal Operating System to Improve Performance and Quality of Life: Staying in Charge, No Matter What the Circumstance. Did you know we have 100% control over our thinking? Our subconscious mind is our emotional and feeling mind. This is the part of the mind we store our self- image, conditioned beliefs habits, and memories.

Tonight’s Program Golden Nugget:
What is the “secret sauce” of staying in charge no matter the circumstance? It is our decision making with our freedom to choose! Despair = Suffering – Meaning (Viktor Frankl)Within our conscious mind, we have several influencers of our thinking. these influencers include our sensory factors and our higher faculties. Our sensory factors are sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing. We have been programmed to live from the outside in. Using just these senses enables us to act with little consequence. The conscious mind thinks and the subconscious mind executes what is impressed on it and expresses itself through the body. People are 100% Spirit and 100% human. There is a genius within and surrounding us. The Spirit flows through each of us bringing us energy along with infinite and adjacent possibilities. Mastering Our Inner Selves is designed to bring these deep networks of potential, internally and externally, in our minds, emotions, and behaviors to the many aspects of our human existence. Through creating, building, problem-solving, and achieving our goals and dreams awakens the hero in each of us. Our higher faculties enable us to act with great consequences. Our higher faculties include a will, imagination, memory, intuition, reason, perception, and shifting our paradigms. Dr. Wayne Dyer realized. “When we change the way we look at things the things we look at change.” These higher faculties feed our decision making and our freedom to choose, giving us meaning! We have better ways to influence our thoughts independent of our environment and that is through our higher faculties, our intellect. Most of us have not been taught to work with these higher faculties and develop them. We simply rely on our senses. Using our higher faculties enables us to think and express ourselves more fully. They are like mental muscles, and when we learn to use them and exercise them through expanding awareness, we create the results and live the life we desire. So instead of gathering information from the lower side of our nature, our senses, we must develop and use our higher faculties. This enables us to have meaning and to take charge, no matter the circumstance in our lives.


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