Tonight’s Pain Point: As business leaders, we wonder where to find more to give to improve our business performance and quality of life. We cannot continue to operate like this! We look around us.

Better we take a look inside us. You can only experience what you are aware of. Self – awareness unlocks the vast potential of improving business performance and quality of life. No more must we drift as a business.

Tonight’s Program Title: Crossing the Chasm of the Knowing-Doing Gap If we start to understand the paradigm, we start to understand the power of habit. We can start to change when we start to understand the how the subconscious mind is programmed.Knowing is not enough to get results. Results come from behavior and behavior is caused by the paradigm. The results tell an interesting story. They tell the world an interesting and true story of how the person is programmed. In the workplace, when we become open and honest in recognizing our programming, or paradigms, we can begin to change our programming and significantly improve results. As a paradigm is changed the behavior changes and the results change.When you understand paradigms it will become obvious that high achievers are not successful primarily because of what they know, but rather because of what they do. Their paradigms, one way or another, have been aligned with the results they desired. It’s their paradigms that are producing their results.When you focus on the paradigm, helping you understand why you are doing what you are doing, everything will start to change.Tonight’s Program Golden Nugget:Joel Barker – The past guarantees you nothing in the future if the rules change. Usually the first problems you solve with the new paradigm are the ones that were unsolvable with the old paradigm. When you drop any new idea in the pond of the world, you get a ripple effect.
Consulting Roundtable
With as much detail as possible, describe a current situation you are not getting your desired results.Describe in as much detail as possible, in the present tense, the way you truly want this situation to be.Now list PA & NPA productive and non – productive activities for 1 & 2. Now design 2 with PAs to get the desired results. Execute to create your new paradigm.Stories to raise your vibration! Shifting vibration comes with increasing awareness and where energy is placed!


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